Getting ready for some Verdi

Happy October!
I spent some much-needed time reconnecting, playing with, and, in some cases, getting to know my extended family this summer at our reunion. It was lovely seeing everyone. It was also encouraging to see how music and art have been constants for so many people in my family. I noticed that even my Dad, who has Alzheimer's, seems to rely on music and singing when he can't find the words. It was wonderful seeing him on this trip. I am fortunate to call them all my people.
I just got over a cold last week and can start to properly prep for my next music project... In November, I'll be singing three concerts with Boeing's Orchestra of Flight, performing Verdi's "Ave Maria" from Otello and "Pace, pace mio Dio" from La Forza del Destino. I am thrilled to perform this music with orchestra! I hope you'll join us at St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church in Burien, WA, for our public performance on Saturday, November 11th at 2 p.m.
Not sure opera's for you? Verdi is a pretty compelling introduction. The man knew how to write a soundtrack for dramatic theater and these two works won't disappoint.